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เรื่อง Love Love with a smile
เขียนโดย อัญธิกา ปุนริบูรณ์

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LOVE starts with a SMILE , grows with a KISS , and ends with a TEAR.
DON'T cry over anyone who won't cry over you.
Good FRIENDS are hard to find, harder to leave, and                  impossible to forget.
You can only go as far as you push.
ACTIONS speak louder than words.
The HARDEST thing to do is watch the one you love, love somebody else.
DON'T let the past hold you back, you're missing the good stuff.
LIFE'S SHORT. If you don't look around once in a while you might miss it.
A BEST FRIEND is like a four leaf clover, HARD TO FIND and LUCKY TO HAVE.
Some people make the world SPECIAL just by being in it.
BEST FRIENDS are the siblings God forgot to give us.
When it HURTS to look back, and you're SCARED to look ahead,     you can look beside you and your BEST FRIEND will be there.
Good friends are like STARS    You don't always see them, but you know they are ALWAYS THERE.
DON'T  frown. You never know who is falling in love with your smile.
What do you do when the only person who can make you stop crying is the person who made you cry?
Nobody is perfect until you fall in love with them.
Everything is okay in the end. If it's not okay, then it's not the end.
Most people walk in and out of your life, but only FRIENDS leave       footprints in your heart.
Send this on to everyone special in your life, even the people who really make you MAD sometimes
and to the people whose lives you want to be in!!!

And send it back to the person who sent it to you if they mean something to you!!
Remember, every minute spent angry is sixty seconds of happiness wasted.


May today there be peace within you. May you trust God that you are exactly
where you are meant to be. "I believe that friends are quiet angels who lift us to our feet when our wings have trouble remembering how to fly."

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